Pooja Room Vastu Directions for Positive Energy 

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Ideal Location 

According to the pooja room Vastu direction, place it in the northeast  Ishaan corner for positive energy flow and auspiciousness.

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Pooja room Vastu direction advises against placing it in the south; choose the northeast for harmony and prosperity.

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Ensure the entry to the pooja room faces east or north direction for pooja room as per vastu guidelines, avoiding south or west.

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Placement of Deity 

Align idols facing east or west direction for pooja room, maintaining spiritual sanctity and positive vibes.

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Construct the altar in the east or west direction for pooja room Vastu direction compliance, enhancing divine energy.

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Keep the pooja room clutter-free, adhering to direction for pooja room principles, fostering serenity and focus.

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Illuminate with natural light from east or north, or artificial lighting strategically placed in the direction for pooja room as per vastu guidelines.

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Use natural materials like wood or marble, conforming to the direction for pooja room as per Vastu, enhancing the spiritual ambiance.

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Ensure no drainage or water bodies above or below as per direction for pooja room, safeguarding spiritual sanctity.

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Electrical Appliances 

Minimize appliances or place them in a southeast corner as per pooja room direction Vastu for energy balance.

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Directional Sensitivity 

Pooja room direction Vastu advises no shared walls with the bathroom or kitchen, maintaining purity and positivity.

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Decorate with bells, conch shells, and scriptures direction for pooja room as per Vastu, enhancing spiritual resonance.

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Maintain privacy in the pooja room by avoiding direct visibility from the main entrance or other rooms, per pooja room direction Vastu principles.

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The ceiling of the pooja room is simple and avoid hanging any heavy objects, maintaining spiritual focus according to the pooja room direction Vastu.

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Size & Shape 

Ensure the pooja room is a regular shape (square or rectangle) direction for pooja room as per Vastu, optimizing energy flow and balance.

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