Embracing the Magic of Ornamental Plants 

Balloon Flower

These are charming ornamental plants known for their balloon-like buds that open into beautiful, star-shaped flowers. Add a touch to your home with these beauties. 


Candytuft is a low-growing ornamental plant with white flowers that add a touch of elegance to the setting. Enhance your home with this ornamental house plant.

The umbrella tree is a stylish choice for modern interiors, with its umbrella-shaped leaves. Elevate the elegance of your home with this ornamental plant.

Umbrella Tree

The Chinese lantern is an ornamental plant known for its unique papery orange lantern-like pods, adding a touch of exotic beauty as ornamental house plants.

Chinese Lantern

Columbine Coral Bell

Columbine coral bells are elegant ornamental plants with delicate bell-shaped flowers that add a pop of color and beauty to indoor gardens.

Goatsbeard is an ornamental house plant with feathery plumes of white flowers, adding a soft and elegant touch to your home gardens. 



Hostas are ornamental plants prized for their lush foliage and attractive leaves, perfect for adding texture and interest to your landscapes. 

Japanese Anemone

Japanese anemones are ornamental plants with delicate flowers in shades of pink and white, Expanding a touch of elegance and grace to indoor gardens.

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye weed is an ornamental house plant with tall, architectural spikes of pink flowers, adding height and beauty to your home landscapes.


Liatris is an ornamental plant with tall spikes of purple flowers, adding vertical interest and color to your home as an ornamental house plant.

Sweet Woodruff

It is a fragrant ground cover with delicate white flowers. These ornamental plants thrive in shaded areas and add charm to woodland gardens.


Trilliums are woodland perennials known for their distinctive three-petaled flowers.  It adds a touch of elegance and beauty to shaded gardens.


Turtleheads are herbaceous perennials with unique snapdragon-like flowers. Ornamental plants attract pollinators to wetland gardens.


Vervain is a colorful perennial with clusters of small, fragrant flowers. These ornamental plants thrive in sunny locations and attract butterflies and bees.


Violets are charming ornamental plants with delicate flowers in shades of purple, blue, and white. Add a pop of color to home gardens.